Zen master

美 [zen ˈmæstər]英 [zen ˈmɑːstə(r)]
  • 禅宗大师
Zen masterZen master
  1. Way to go on shifting your awareness like a Zen Master .


  2. A university professor went to visit a famous Zen master .


  3. There was a student who asked a Zen master how one could get enlightenment quickly ?


  4. The Zen master takes care of everything , including ghosts and marriage .


  5. Thus , a Zen master to visit his father and asked him to train their children .


  6. Zen Master asked his father : " Do you think your child 's performance enough masculinity ?"


  7. A young man asks a Zen master , I 'm wealthy but unhappy .


  8. I got this technique from the Zen master Mary Jaksch .


  9. The Zen master says , No Tuhao , can I become your friend ?


  10. Laurence Fishburne finds a balance between action hero and Zen master .


  11. Wait , no adjustments , no personnel changes , no meditation sessions with the Zen Master ?


  12. Arrangements for children and a Zen master karate coach for a game to demonstrate that three months of training results .


  13. Zen master , lived the simplest kind of life in a little hut at the foot of a mountain .


  14. A Zen master had a faithful but very naive student who regarded him as a living buddha .


  15. So the husband asked the Zen master , " What can I do ? What should I ask her ? "


  16. But hey , presto , now you are ! Way to go on shifting your awareness like a Zen Master .


  17. But even if you 're as unflappable as a Zen master , you 're still dealing with stress junkies every day .


  18. Walk to a window , look outside , and take a single deep breath I got this technique from the Zen master Mary Jaksch .


  19. Zen master love orchids , preaching in the spread of more than usual , the heart of time costs a lot of growing orchids .


  20. Not only has the Chinese Tang Dynasty Zen master of the same ideological content , but also has a similar language forms and genres of poetry rhyme .


  21. Zen master Shen Hui , one of the top ten disciples of Hui Neng , is primogenitor of Heze school .


  22. So some people told him that he should go to a temple and talk about his suffering to a Zen master , and maybe the Zen master could help him .


  23. Zen master Zong Mi , as one of the most famous monks in the late Tang Dynasty , has influenced the history of Chinese Buddhism and the history of Chinese philosophy .


  24. Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and his disciples will guide you during the retreats .


  25. After winning several archery contests , the young and rather boastful champion challenged a Zen master who was renowned for his skill as an archer .


  26. The Zen master silently holds out a hand , inspiring the young man to a realization : Master , are you telling me that I should be thankful and give back ?


  27. Temple Yongxin understanding of the Zen Master lost in a fog anxious , and craftsmen are all anxious Huoliao , unable to do anything .


  28. " The reason everything looks beautiful is because it is out of balance ," wrote Zen master Shunryu Suzuki . " But its background is always in perfect harmony . "


  29. Seats are still available on the aircraft because there are several no - shown . A Zen master had a faithful but very naive student who regarded him as a living buddha .


  30. Yingsi got its name from the millennium ancient temple of Jingying temple founded by Huiyuan Zen Master & the first ancestor of Pure Land Sect , Buddhist Maitreya .
